Posted on: Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's About the Flowers

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?  I am a single mom to three amazing little men.  Charlie is nine, Oliver is eight and Eli is five.  They are talented, valiant, happy and brilliant boys with bright spirits and personalities.  I am so proud of each one of them and I thank God everyday for the light and joy they are in my life.

Their dad and I have been separated and/or divorced for a year and a half.  He is very much a part of the boys lives, and for that I am eternally grateful.  They adore him!  The ex and I have a good relationship, in comparison to other divorced couples.  We are friendly and kind to one another and treat each other respect.  I'm not going to pretend this is always the case, we definitely have our moments, but for the most part we do divorce better than we did marriage.  I like him a lot better as my ex-husband than I did as my husband, and I'm sure he feels the same way about me.

This blog is not about what led to my divorce, it's about the aftermath, it's about the flowers that have emerged after the harsh winter.  The year we went through our separation and divorce was hands-down the hardest year of my life, and the years leading up to it were not a walk in the park either, but I've chosen to let the pain go and focus on living the life I've always wanted.  I'm sure there will be moments in this blog where I will reference the "dark years", but only as a means to clarify and provide the back-story.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  My faith is the sun that has thawed the bitter winter of divorce.  My faith is not just a religion to me, it's absolutely who I am and what I'm about. For more information you can visit         

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